Leading Numerologist

Tahlecion Jaay

now in london
tel +44 (0)20 7482 3133 mob 07919 134 140


As appeared on CNN Today TV programme, Radio SportTalk, Spirit & Destiny and Real magazine

Life Coaching and Numerology Counselling Via audio tape or face to face (London only) or telephone by arrangement
Clairvoyant Numerology Readings +44 (0)20 7482 3133 +44 (0)7919 134 140

Numerology News


Many of us have trouble making changes in our lives and often resort to our old unsuccessful patterns when things get tough. Challenges can take the form of illness, relationship, business or money problems.

Do you always react in the same way or have a standard response to problems in your life?

Some Numerologists believe that challenges are given to us to improve our strengths and to teach us the lessons we need and it is in the overcoming of these challenges that we sometimes discover our greatest personal assets. For example, if you have been badly hurt in the past it could taint your view of new relationships and you might not be able to fully engage or trust another person. A change of attitude would be an advantage if you want to move forward and grow in relationships.

If you are having trouble with someone at work, it may be that you need to engage with them in a different way to improve things. Sometimes we cannot see things clearly when we are acting in an emotional way. Once again it might be solved by a simple change of attitude on our part.

Are you facing any life challenges right now? Do you need a change of attitude? If so, try to figure out how you might manage that change. If you are unsure of how to move forward, sometimes just talking about it can help you see a clearer path. Chat to friends or consult a professional.

In Numerology we say that there are no wrong combinations of people, just an inability to understand others or ourselves and an inability to accept change easily.

When we know why we feel and act a certain way, or why someone else is behaving in a certain way, we can usually be more tolerant of their behaviour, or our own.

When you want to make changes in a positive way, ask yourself how you can make this change in a way that is empowering for all involved. If it is not possible to make changed without someone else being affected, then consider how you can make it more tolerable for those involved.

Request a Clairvoyant Numerology Reading by calling me
or emailing me at : tahlecion@numerology-advice.com

Reading cost - 65 pounds