Leading Numerologist

Tahlecion Jaay

now in london
tel +44 (0)20 7482 3133 mob 07919 134 140

As appeared on CNN Today TV programme, Radio SportTalk, Spirit & Destiny and Real magazine

Life Management Numerology Consultancy via audio tape or face to face (London residents only) - telephone readings by arrangement

What is Numerology?


Numerology is the ancient art of interpreting the patterns and rhythms of your life through the study of numbers and sound - such as names which are translated into a type of numerological formula and this is used for a reading or consultation.

Numerology can show you how to make use of your life cycles, comprehend your ambitions, recognize your own and others talents and by highlighting potential challenges it can help you develop awareness of them in yourself and others.

Numerology can aid in understanding others unique life rhythms and help untangle some of the complexities of relationships and overcome communication problems in all areas.

Using numbers in our life is second nature to us and we already use them to explain a whole range of theories and give us answers to many different problems. Numerology is considered an invaluable life tool to help direct us onto our right path.

Much of our information in life comes in symbols whether words, pictures or sounds as in musical notes and numerology is one such symbolic form of information.

There are 9 main numbers used in Numerology (1 to 9) and then the Master Numbers 11, 22, 33 and 44. All numbers in the birthday are repeatedly added together to obtain a single number.

Your Full Birth Date

The sum total of your birthday gives your Direction in Life, Life Path or Ruling Number. This is regarded as the general view, similar to the Sun sign in Astrology. It indicates your potential in your personal and business life, your main strengths and challenges and can point out the direction you should go in to move towards a more successful life.

Your Day of Birth

Your actual day of birth shows added strengths, challenges and additional traits. It adds a further dimension to your chart.

From these two sets of numbers we can form an impression of you which is enhances by looking at each individual numbers. We may look at the frequency of numbers, combinations or what's missing to find out what makes you tick.

Peaks or Pinnacles

These are obtained from your birthday and show additional energy points in our lives or added information to help you. There are four phases of our life, beginning around age 30. These phases can help us determine what more may be needed in your development.


These are obtained from your birthday and are usually presented as obstacles which may prevent you from moving towards your goals in an easy way. These are considered lessons you may have to deal with.

Your Personal Year

This is devised from your birthday, month of birth and the current year. It is considered to be an indication of your growth and development through life. Each year of your life is considered different and the Personal Year shows your personal life cycles in nine year stages. We use this to see patterns in your life and how we can make use of your own life cycles.

The Power of Names

Your name can indicate many interesting things about you.:

Soul Number or Urge

A very important aspect of a Numerology chart. It describes what might motivate or drive you, your souls's desire and what underlying issues there may be in your life choices. The soul urge describes what you might want out of life, your inner voice and what goals you might want to aim for to fulfil that inner nature or your inner dreams.


Shows your natural abilities and potential and can help you to develop your natural talents by highlighting them.

Outer Personality or Impression

The person you present to the world or how others see you. We present ourselves to the world as a name, so this can be a very important aspect to a reading but not an essential part.

A name may also show us information about the family and how it can affect you. It may show imbalances and influences and is considered a very important aspect for many Numerologists.

Strengths or weaknesses are reflected by the intensity or absence of numbers or letters in your birthday or name. It is not of prime importance whether you have imbalances in your chart but what you actually do with your life.

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